MYANMAR - Scientists have discovered several new species in the Mekong region, Myanmar. Among them are monkeys Elvis, which is very rarely seen through surveillance cameras.
Monkey Rhinopithecus strykeri called scientific is renowned for pompadournya haircut (Elvis Presley haircut model). As reported by Nationalgeographic, Friday (16/12/2011), the World Wild Fund (WWF) said the monkeys of this type has never been caught on camera in a state of life.
Mekong region, where the discovery of the monkey is a region consisting of water, wetlands, mountains, and forests that have been well known to local hunters Himalayas.
"This is really the end of the era of the discovery of large mammals. The discovery of a new primate species, the unknown by science, is a very rare," said Stuart Chapman, director of WWF's Conservation for the Greater Mekong Program.
"In the future we may have only ever seen one or two of these similar findings. And this is the kind of bitter moment, because we think the amount of this species has very little to be found," he added.
Local hunters say, pug nose in monkeys that causes sneezing repeatedly when the rain storm.
Chapman argues, if this is true, these physical anomalies may cause the animal more susceptible to hunting or to position them on a natural weakness. However, he added that the current facts on the matter is still very minimal.
Monkey Rhinopithecus strykeri called scientific is renowned for pompadournya haircut (Elvis Presley haircut model). As reported by Nationalgeographic, Friday (16/12/2011), the World Wild Fund (WWF) said the monkeys of this type has never been caught on camera in a state of life.
Mekong region, where the discovery of the monkey is a region consisting of water, wetlands, mountains, and forests that have been well known to local hunters Himalayas.
"In the future we may have only ever seen one or two of these similar findings. And this is the kind of bitter moment, because we think the amount of this species has very little to be found," he added.
Local hunters say, pug nose in monkeys that causes sneezing repeatedly when the rain storm.
Chapman argues, if this is true, these physical anomalies may cause the animal more susceptible to hunting or to position them on a natural weakness. However, he added that the current facts on the matter is still very minimal.