There are a good many reasons to jailbreak an iPhone, but no matter how many good reasons you may have jail breaking a phone as expensive as the iPhone is a bit intimidating because the last thing that you want to do is discover that you have done something wrong. That said, the truth is that with many of the modern jail breaking experiences it is almost impossible to do anything wrong.
The first thing you will want to do if you are interested in jail breaking your iPhone is to not update the OS on your phone. Every time the OS is updated it takes a few days or weeks before it is one again freed. If you have already updated, and are not interested in waiting then it is possible to downgrade for a while though it adds a few steps. Apple unsurprisingly does not make this easy so you will need to download SHSH blobs, as well as finding the directions to return your iPhone to a earlier version. Most of the time it is simply waiting a few weeks though. Also, once you have jail broke your phone it is worth not updating your phone unless there is some functionality added that you really want.
The next thing you will want to do is backup all of your data. The truth is that there is almost no risk of damaging the phone itself, but it is quite possible to lose data. If you have already backed it up though then this risk goes away completely and will make the whole process a lot less nail biting. This is not hard and there are many good tutorials.
Now that you have done that comes the easiest part. The website has been created and done a fantastic job of making the entire process completely painless. All you have to do is start safari on the iPhone, and go to the website There you will find a slide bar, slide it across and it will begin the jail breaking process. Set down the phone and wait a few minutes while it goes through the process. Once it says it is done you will find that very little has actually changed on the iPhone. It will look and act almost exactly the same.
What has changed is that there is a program called cydia. When you start this you will be given a couple of simple choices and then a lot of things that you can add from this program. by Elton Gahr.
The next thing you will want to do is backup all of your data. The truth is that there is almost no risk of damaging the phone itself, but it is quite possible to lose data. If you have already backed it up though then this risk goes away completely and will make the whole process a lot less nail biting. This is not hard and there are many good tutorials.
Now that you have done that comes the easiest part. The website has been created and done a fantastic job of making the entire process completely painless. All you have to do is start safari on the iPhone, and go to the website There you will find a slide bar, slide it across and it will begin the jail breaking process. Set down the phone and wait a few minutes while it goes through the process. Once it says it is done you will find that very little has actually changed on the iPhone. It will look and act almost exactly the same.
What has changed is that there is a program called cydia. When you start this you will be given a couple of simple choices and then a lot of things that you can add from this program. by Elton Gahr.