Bed bugs had been an epidemic that had thought to have been eradicated in the 1940s, but has unfortunately resurfaced in the U.S. with a vengeance in 2010. Many places, including hotels, homes, apartment buildings and commercial retail stores have been afflicted. Pest control management companies have also cited an increase in the reports of bed bugs over the last few years.
As a result many people are naturally worried about picking up these blood sucking pests while on vacation. While the fear is legitimate, and taking precautionary actions to avoid bed bugs takes a bit of effort, it is worth going the extra steps in order to
prevent bed bugs from following you home from vacation and taking up residence in your home.
Here are a few tips on how to leave the pesky insects behind:
*Look for Signs
The first thing to do when in your hotel room or rental is to look for any potential signs of bed bugs in residence. Signs to look for are dark red or black streaks of digested blood on sheets which typically are accompanied with a sweet odor. Or by looking closely you might see small brown specks, which is small particles which drop off the bed bug; these are known as "casing"
It is not in this bug's nature to come out during the day as they are night feeders who come out and give a painless bite. Victims do not know they have been bitten until they have visible bites upon waking. This is why it is important to know the signs of bed bugs as chances are you won't see one by looking.
Unfortunately bed bugs can lie in wait for up to a year for a host to feed upon. You might be able to find them embedded in seams, behind tags or slinking in the crevices of mattresses if you look carefully. Also check in the area of the headboard and any furniture positioned close to the bed.
If any signs of bed bugs are present, report it to management and request a change of room. Then repeat the process in the new room.
*Seal Belongings
To help reduce the chance of bed bugs getting into clothes and other belongings, sealing them in a plastic trash bag can help keep the bed bugs out. Additionally clothing can be placed in large ziplock bags in order to further deter the bugs from finding hiding places.
Always inspect your belongings before leaving and if possible, wash and dry them before going home.
*Wash and Dry Clothes
Washing clothes helps ensure bugs aren't hiding within the folds, however if they do linger, the detergent and heat will kill them. Ideally cleaning clothing and immediately bringing from the accommodations will help limit potential exposure to bed bugs, however if this is not possible, a good idea is to bag them, seal them and then wash and dry immediately upon return home. This way no extra passengers end up as long-term house guests.
*Clean Luggage
Bed bugs love to latch on and travel, often hitchhiking covertly. One way to foil their attempt to move from the vacation location to home is to empty and clean luggage. Once the suitcases and bags are emptied, give them a good vacuum in order to eliminate any potential nesting.
If a positive bed bug infestation has been identified where you were staying, either dispose of the luggage or, if expensive, consider getting it professionally cleaned or fumigated.
*Stowing Belongings
Bed bugs are adept at hiding. The best way to decrease the chance of bringing them home is to store bags and suitcases away from places they like to hide. Do not set belongings on the floor or on the bed.
Instead use a luggage stand or high shelf (however if you do the latter, inspect the closet or dresser first).
*Visit Bed Bug Registry
No guarantee, but at least gives an idea if an infestation has been reported or not. If you visit you can check to find out if any bed bug infestations have been reported.
The rise in bed bug instances continues to increase, however by taking the time to check and be proactive with precautions, this can significantly reduce your chances of bringing these nasty critters home. Traveling is not always avoidable and, for many, vacations are highly desirable. By taking precautions vacations can still be enjoyed.
As a result many people are naturally worried about picking up these blood sucking pests while on vacation. While the fear is legitimate, and taking precautionary actions to avoid bed bugs takes a bit of effort, it is worth going the extra steps in order to
Here are a few tips on how to leave the pesky insects behind:
*Look for Signs
The first thing to do when in your hotel room or rental is to look for any potential signs of bed bugs in residence. Signs to look for are dark red or black streaks of digested blood on sheets which typically are accompanied with a sweet odor. Or by looking closely you might see small brown specks, which is small particles which drop off the bed bug; these are known as "casing"
It is not in this bug's nature to come out during the day as they are night feeders who come out and give a painless bite. Victims do not know they have been bitten until they have visible bites upon waking. This is why it is important to know the signs of bed bugs as chances are you won't see one by looking.
Unfortunately bed bugs can lie in wait for up to a year for a host to feed upon. You might be able to find them embedded in seams, behind tags or slinking in the crevices of mattresses if you look carefully. Also check in the area of the headboard and any furniture positioned close to the bed.
If any signs of bed bugs are present, report it to management and request a change of room. Then repeat the process in the new room.
*Seal Belongings
To help reduce the chance of bed bugs getting into clothes and other belongings, sealing them in a plastic trash bag can help keep the bed bugs out. Additionally clothing can be placed in large ziplock bags in order to further deter the bugs from finding hiding places.
Always inspect your belongings before leaving and if possible, wash and dry them before going home.
*Wash and Dry Clothes
Washing clothes helps ensure bugs aren't hiding within the folds, however if they do linger, the detergent and heat will kill them. Ideally cleaning clothing and immediately bringing from the accommodations will help limit potential exposure to bed bugs, however if this is not possible, a good idea is to bag them, seal them and then wash and dry immediately upon return home. This way no extra passengers end up as long-term house guests.
*Clean Luggage
Bed bugs love to latch on and travel, often hitchhiking covertly. One way to foil their attempt to move from the vacation location to home is to empty and clean luggage. Once the suitcases and bags are emptied, give them a good vacuum in order to eliminate any potential nesting.
If a positive bed bug infestation has been identified where you were staying, either dispose of the luggage or, if expensive, consider getting it professionally cleaned or fumigated.
*Stowing Belongings
Bed bugs are adept at hiding. The best way to decrease the chance of bringing them home is to store bags and suitcases away from places they like to hide. Do not set belongings on the floor or on the bed.
Instead use a luggage stand or high shelf (however if you do the latter, inspect the closet or dresser first).
*Visit Bed Bug Registry
No guarantee, but at least gives an idea if an infestation has been reported or not. If you visit you can check to find out if any bed bug infestations have been reported.
The rise in bed bug instances continues to increase, however by taking the time to check and be proactive with precautions, this can significantly reduce your chances of bringing these nasty critters home. Traveling is not always avoidable and, for many, vacations are highly desirable. By taking precautions vacations can still be enjoyed.